Tuesday, July 16, 2013

You is Funny. You is Silly. You is Hilarious.

I want to get something straight around here.  There's a whole lot more love in my life than blasphemy, and I still deal with life with a wicked sense of humor.

Even during my hardest and most stressful times, my go-to strategy for feeling better is getting on Pinterest and perusing the "humor" category.

If I can squeeze out a couple of LOL's, everything's gonna be alright.

Let's see if it works for you.

Sometimes, you just need to put that baby on the floor...


  1. Oh lawd, the Slurpee one!

    And I love me some Bill Cosby.

  2. Bill Cosby my favorite. I really need to spend more time on Pinterest...laughter IS the best medicine!

    xx Jazzy

  3. Totally agree, laughter is the cureall for any ailment. I'm still laughing about the Kardasians, hahaha. Oh and I love me some Bill Cosby.

  4. superb .. like it .. i have nomianted your link for best post of the week award on http://bestpostsoftheweek.blogspot.in/ check out

  5. Alright, I now have a new go- to line...
    Sometimes, you just need to put that baby on the floor...

    Glad I found your new digs. I missed you :-)
